Pharmacy First


We hope that all customers have a great experience however if you’d like to contact us with any concerns, suggestions, or feedback we’d love to hear them.

We always endeavour to go above and beyond to deliver personalised health and wellbeing services in a friendly and compassionate way. Whilst we always try our best, we realise that sometimes we don’t always get things right. So, if you have concerns, suggestions, or feedback we’d love to hear them.

We must always try to meet your immediate health needs and take any urgent action that may be needed before trying to resolve your complaint. This may mean contacting another healthcare professional like your GP.

We’ll only discuss confidential information if it’s needed to resolve your complaint and never with a third party unless they have your permission.

We will ensure that:

  • You will receive a timely and appropriate response
  • Your complaint is fully investigated
  • You are treated with respect and courtesy
  • We keep you informed with the progress of your complaint and the actions we are going to take
  • We help you to understand our complaints procedure if needed

How to Get In Touch

Complaints Policy – NHS Services (England)

We’ll always offer an apology, if appropriate, and aim to give you a full explanation to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

If you are not satisfied with the way we handled your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the local Primary Care Organisation or the Ombudsman.

NHS England

  • Call 0300 3112233
  • Email: [email protected] stating
    “For the attention of the complaints team” in the subject line
  • Write to:
    NHS England
    PO Box 16738
    B97 9PT

The Ombudsman

  • Visit
  • Call the complaints helpline 0345 0154033
  • Email [email protected]
  • Write to:
    The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
    Millbank Tower
    SW1P 4QP
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